Don't Just Go Away Mad Take This With You Sarcasm Classic T-Shirt Hoodie Sweatshirt

Oh you’re gonna be on astage of Pittsburgh in front of like 300people and you’re gonna get some crazyapplause in’ when you guys go out onstage literally gave me chills that wasso awesomebut anyway like I never would havebelieved it and you know the fact that ithink this is an important message andas long as people continue to get valueout of it we’re gonna continue to do itfor sure howdy hello my name is Gina andactually have two quick well twoquestions the first one was how was yourbreakyour coffee fast at 41 21 main yep so41 25 right 41 21 main yeah yeah thatwas a Don't Just Go Away Mad Take This With You Sarcasm Classic T-Shirt Hoodie Sweatshirt great shop we just went theretoday did we post that okaynice nice 41 21 was a great shot wefound it on like Google and so Iactually I broke ityes what’s today Wednesday today’s todayI don’t do we record a podcast yesterdayI don’t think sookay I broke out Tuesday whenever thatwas and it was awesomedid you get that like coffee buzz like Igot the oh my god I am so awake I tendto get up really early so it was like3 00 a m 3 30 a m and and I made thatcoffee. Done in the last24 hours those are your real prioritiesand if that is browsing Facebook orgoing to the mall or whatever it may bethere’s nothing inherently wrong withthose things but we don’t all have thesame resources here we don’t have thesame money we don’t have the samebackgrounds we don’t have the sameeducation we all have the same 24 hoursin a day and we get to decide how we’regoing to divvy that up and even outsideof work you know there’s 16 hours a dayor whatever it may be for you the thepoint is that we get to decide how wespend our time and for so long all ofthose things on my Sunday list stayed onthat list and eventually I really had todo with just flipping those I can putthe other stuff off I could put likescrolling incessantly through facebookon my someday list and I can put likegoing on our eighth tour in seven yearson my two dayand has a lot more to do with theactions were willing to take every dayare my short term actions in line withmy long term values yeah I wouldencourage you to just do someexperimenting like. Itback developable here that would bereally great anyway the Boston event wasoutstanding for those of you listeningat home if you want to support us we’relooking for 1 support so if one personof our listeners can support us that’sjust over 5 000 people actually that’sprobably half of one put your contributea million dollars apieceno no it’s 1 Ryan Oh a dollar or twobucks what we’re trying to get whatwe’re trying to do is get one or twodollars per episode so that we can buildthe studio so if you want to support uswelcome first off to our first 200 or sopatreon supporters if you want to goover just to patreon com scishow alivestream where you can interact withthe minimal su gasps with questionsparticipate it’s only for our patreonsupporters if you’re doing two bucks ormore per episode but also it’s reallycool patreon allows you to cap it allowsyou to cap your monthly usage or youryour monthly contribution to any any ofany place that you contribute to so ifyou and I were to start like putting out30 episodes a month

Source: Don't Just Go Away Mad Take This With You Sarcasm Classic T-Shirt Hoodie Sweatshirt

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Don't Just Go Away Mad Take This With You Sarcasm Classic T-Shirt Hoodie Sweatshirt
Don't Just Go Away Mad Take This With You Sarcasm Classic T-Shirt Hoodie Sweatshirt

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Three years old so shecan’t stop like talking and what’s. Have if I hadn’t spent tens ofthousands of dollars on all this stuffif I didn’t have this huge mortgage Iwouldn’t have to work these 60 70 80hour work weeks and I could actually godo th a Don't Just Go Away Mad Take This With You Sarcasm Classic T-Shirt Hoodie Sweatshirt hings I wanted to do now I couldgo see my mom who lived a half hour awayI hardly ever saw herI mean maybe seven or eight times a yearmajor holidays and her birthday Mother’sDay things like that the major holidaysthat were important to her but I got totell you every time I showed up to afamily event they would always like makeme feel like what I was doing was okaybecause I’m the only person in my familyto have a college degree and the onlyone who kind of climbed the corporateladder like that and every time I wentto a family function they’re likethere’s our corporate success you knowgood job Ryan but but it didn’t feelright so for me that’s that’s whyminimalism really captured my attentionit was because if I started to live moredeliberately and make better decisionswith the resources that I had I couldstart doing the things I wanted. Their baldingheads he was above that he was above allthe petty BS we get caught up in everyday he was above living life based onother people’s standards his standardswere too high for that he had characterStan contributed beyond himself eachyear at Christmas time he dressed up asSanta and handed out gifts to ouremployees he spent many off hoursdonating his time the soup kitchens andHabitat for Humanity and last year hefounded a mentorship conference foryoung men ages 13 to 18 Stan cared whenI decided to leave the corporate worldthree years ago he didn’t flinch insteadhe was the first to join me we walkedaway together guided by solidarity and akinship that’s impossible to manufacturebefore I moved to Montana we met forcoffee weekly our visit she Odedheartfelt advice on women and life aswell as arguments over which john mayeralbum was best he said it was a battlestudies and I said it was heavier thingsso I don’t know if you agree or disagreewith other of those but I feel that I’mright well everything about Stanreflected a
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